Monday, December 31, 2018

Continuing to build greatness in the New Year!

Happy New Year! This has always been seen as a time for new beginnings, a time for change. But, let's face it bad habits die hard and most of us only last the month of January before we revert back to our unhealthy habits. Don't feel bad, it's human nature. So, how do we get change to stick? Simple, you have to want it. Meaning you have to want change more than you want to stay the same. 

Here are a couple simple steps to take to help build your greatness and make it stick;

1. Your support system.
No more taking that bad energy into your future. Toxic people can hurt your growth. Surround yourself with like-minded people that are on the same journey as you. I know its sad you might have to leave people behind but it is better to love from afar than to be down in the dumps because the people around you have no motivation to do better.

2. Make sure you are mentally healthy
Mental health is just as important as physical health. Gone are the days where people suffer in silence. Talk to a professional. Get help from someone that knows what they are talking about and can give you constructive advice on how to change and stop the negative cycle you are on.

3. Start small.
I mean, meet yourself where you are. I started working on consistently in October, at first I thought I could do a drastic lifestyle change and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I stop working out and started binge eating three weeks in. But, I know where I wanted to get so I decided 50/50 was my goal. Meaning working out 3/4 days a week and eating healthy 50% of the time. Of course my results aren't drastic but I can see a difference in my body. Once this has become a lifestyle then I will tweak it by adding more water and eating healthy 80% of the time. So, don't bite off more than you can chew because you can push yourself back further than where you started.

4. Think Big.
Make your vision board, write in your journal, or where ever you express yourself. I used to think small like if one person reads my blog I would be happy. Not anymore, pushing myself beyond my comfort zone will only benefit me. My vision board this year is so big its disrespectful. So what. If everything doesn't happen this year, I'm still shooting for the stars.

5. Run your own race
There is only one you. So, don't compare yourself to someone who is on their own journey. I have spent much of my life watching others achieve while I sit and wait for the "right time." There is no right time. Remember you have your own path so just focus on being a better you than you were yesterday, last week, last month, last year.

And, as I said in my last post, it's never too late to get your *ish together but time does run out.

I love the Sprinkle of Jesus App  . It sends me messages daily to remind me of the positive. So, as we go into this year, give yourself a break. What changes, if any are you making in the new year?

Friday, December 28, 2018

Never too late to get your ish together

What happened to 2018? With this year quickly coming to an end, I am forced to reflect. And, I must say I can do better. I have come to realize that even though it's never too late to get your sh*t together, time waits for no man. And, while I know the blessings that God has for me are only for me, I have to go get them.

Have you made any resolutions for the new year?

I have not, I have only made one promise. To go harder than I ever have before. As a person, wife, mother, friend, and dreamer. Do my absolute best to make all my dreams come true for one year with no slacking or complaint.


Because I believe in myself enough to try. And, I'm not getting any younger. I have set goals for myself that I am going to smash. So, I have listed 5 easy ways I'm going to smash my 2019 promise.

1. I will be limiting my social media. 
I found I spend too much time watching other peoples dreams instead of chasing mine.  This will help me stay consistent and free up time.

So, in the new year. I will be planning content for all my social media in advance. Using apps like Hootsuite, Buffer, Planoly, and Canva.

2. Self-Care will become my main priority
If I'm not good mentally and physically, I will be unable to function and be there for my children, husband, or friends.

I will continue what I starting in 2018 but be more intentional with my diet. By using myfitnesspal, my apple watch, and the Nike training apps. I will continue on my health journey. Also, keeping those mani/pedi appointments and hanging out with friends has really helped with my stress and anxiety.

3. Make a plan and follow through
I love to start the year off with extremely high goals and no follow through. I am not doing that this year. I do have to start making a schedule for my side hustle and family. I want to be able to stay on top of everything without getting overwhelmed  

4. Remember anything is possible
Everyone has the same seven days a week, 24 hours in a day. It is up to me to stay consistent and push through. We all know nothing is easy, life sucks sometimes but there are always things to be thankful for. So, NO EXCUSES! 

5. Keep God in your life

What are your goals for 2019? How do you plan to stay motivated?

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Procrastinators guide to Christmas - Kids

If you are like me sometimes life gets in the way and the holidays is not the first thing on my mind. So, this year I decided to stick with Amazon Prime to make sure my procrastination doesn't get in the way of the Christmas Spirit. Remember, this is the season of giving.

Even though my kids are still little they are developing their own sense of style. And, following in their dad's footsteps they have a shoe fetish. I always try to balance out buying toys with clothes and shoes even though they they only want the toys.

Being the mom of boys, I have to be up to date on all the new toys. So, these are the boys picks for Christmas. My kids love Japanese and Korean cartoons, so they want all the toys to go with. For the most part I can find everything but when I can't Amazon is the place.

Remember, it's the thought that counts. And, at the end of the day, kids just want to have fun. 

Spreading the Holiday: Our Favorite Holiday Books

Spreading Christmas cheer by teaching my kids the true meaning of Christmas. Teaching them that being good people is more important than toys or gifts. Reading Christmas stories has helped me teach my kids how to be kind and giving. So, I have rallied together a couple of our favorite books that we read through the holiday season. Amazon Prime has really made my life so much easier, I have been able to order more books and keep the tradition going. Happy reading fam.

Do you know of any good kid holiday books?


Sunday, December 2, 2018

Hello Christmas.

Tis the season to be jolly. Or is it. The holidays can be one of the most depressing time for some. For me it's a time to remember the things that I have and work towards the things that I don't. My ultimate goal this year was to put myself first. Learning how to live life as Jameka, as well as mommy, and wife can be difficult but hey, someone has to do it. Over the years, I have gotten great advice about how to live life and accomplish those goals. This time I have decided to apply a lot of it to the holidays.

1. Create your narrative - This is very important. Everyone has decided what the holidays should be like the tradition of having dinner with your family but it is most important to be surrounded by loving, supportive people. Depending on our season, we plan events and moments that we can have fun and enjoy the company of friends and family. Its not always traditional but its us.

2. Relax - The holidays can be so overwhelming. I am learning how to navigate and only do what I can. So, preplanning is SO IMPORTANT! I'm in the process of getting ready for Christmas and its more fun because I'm not in a rush. What gets done, gets done. 

3. Have fun- Remember you are creating memories. Each year, I get more excited! I see Christmas through my children's eyes and its magical. They are at a point where they still believe in Santa, so we make our lists and mail them out, they get so excited for what's to come. We have also started the tradition of decorating on Thanksgiving. Since home decor is my happy place, I have fun and my stress disappears as I add Christmas touches all over the house.

So. Let's be jolly and welcome the holidays and a preparation for the new year. Remember, don't stress and don't over exert yourself because it takes the fun out of precious moments.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Styling the boys for Winter

I'm that mom that always wanted my kids to be fresh to death. Everything was going good until they started having opinions about what they were wearing. Mind you they are four and eight years old. So, instead of it being a solo job of me styling them, it has become an collaboration. They tell me that they want to wear Spider-Man everyday and then I figure out how to make that work so they look cool. With Winter quickly approaching, both of them have decided to have a grow spurt. Now, I have to go pull looks for them. I decided it would fun to share, all the cool things I found for them.

Coats and Winter Accessories:
Every year, I usually buy an inexpensive winter coat that will last for the year. But, this year I decided to invest in something that will hopefully last for a little than a year and will be really warm. With all the sales going on at Macy's, Nordstrom, and Bloomingdales, I was able to find some amazing deals.

T-shirts and Cardigans:
When it comes to clothes my boys have a million Superhero graphic t-shirts. What I like to do is add cute cardigans to go over them for warmth. Its also gives them a more polished look. Doing this also ensures I get the most wear out of their clothes because they can wear them throughout the year.

Shoes are my favorite. These are some of the most comfortable cute shoes that I have found for the boys.


Monday, October 15, 2018

Setting yourself of up for a successful healthy lifestyle

We all have reasons for why we can't work out. I'm too busy, I work too late, I have to take care of my family. The list can goes on for days. But, what really stops us from taking care of ourselves. Is it the feeling that everything else is more important, or I can do it later. I am the queen of excuses, it has been going on for so long, I can't even remember when it started. The excuses and procrastination have kept me from achieving many of my goals. If you look at your daily schedule filled to the brim with appointments and responsibilities, where do you fit YOU in. 

This is why self love and self care is so important. When you don't love yourself first, you don't put yourself first or your health first. Everything falls to the waist side. So, how do we change this? Well, do you want to change? Are you okay with your health? Being healthy meaning having a balanced diet and being active. But, most importantly being happy with yourself even if you know your have work to do.

Every year around my birthday I decide I need to make a change. I know I'm not living a healthy lifestyle as far as my diet and activity level. But, I can never follow through and I give up shortly after I start. 

At this moment in time, I am ready to start again but in order to do that, I needed to set myself up for success. Here are the things that I am doing differently to make sure I succeed in my goals:

1. Edit your social media. I went through and started following people that inspire me to do better. I need as much positive support as I can get, @hayet.rida, @garnerstyle, @goldskinned, @bluebirdkisses are just some of the women I follow that have the positivity I need.

2. Talk to the people around you and let them know you are on a new path. A healthy support system is extremely important in success you don't need anyone around that will sabotage your success.

3. Get Techy. I just got an Apple watch to monitor my calories, activity, and sleep. You can also use a fitbit if you don't have a smart watch. And, also apps like Nike Training Club, My FitnessPal, Sworkit, Map My Run, RI28 and a host of other apps can monitor your workouts and guide you through the process of getting in shape.

4. Positive Affirmations. Because if you don't love yourself, who will. I know I am beautiful, and I know I can conquer the world, if I move. check out Sarah Jakes Roberts and Woman Evolve

5. Balance. Realizing change doesn't happen over night. Rome was not built in a day. I eliminated as many unhealthy food out of my cabinets that I felt comfortable with. There are still somethings there because my family still indulgences from time to time but I picked things I don't eat to steer me away. I have also given myself one day for one meal to eat what I like so I won't binge or back track. I'll have that time to look forward too.

6. Start. Just start moving. Whether its jumping jacks during commercials, walking the dog, playing with your kids. It has to start somewhere. My kids even do workout videos with it keeps me going because I know they are watching me.

What are some thing you are doing to set yourself up for success? I'm always looking for new ways to keep going...

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Mealtime: Family Meal Prep

I'm always on the go. Whether its waking up at 4am for work or picking the kids up from school, it always seems like I'm taking care of someone or something. By the end of the night, I just want to go to sleep. After rethinking my day, I thought a little family meal preparation would really help. 

What does this look like?
 So, I pick two days out of the week to cook two to three meals that I can remix for each day.

I choose two proteins, usually chicken and seafood.

So, this is what's in heavy rotation at the Prince household this week?

*Roasted Chicken (bake chicken with onion, garlic, rosemary; to switch things up and marinate with lemon-peper seasoning), jasmine rice, and mixed veggies makes. The chicken and jasmine rice will live on through the rest off the week and I will only have to make veggies.

The chicken with live on in two ways:
*Chicken Wraps: Left-over baked chicken, cheddar cheese, with jasmine rice: just added garlic, cilantro and lime on a tortilla
*Chicken Noodle Soup, whatever home recipe moves my fancy from pinterest

*Italian sausage and turkey pepperoni Pizza:
Turkey Pepperoni, seasoned tomato sauce, with mozzarella cheese on a pre-made crust. 
*Spaghetti- Usually, I will save some turkey italian sausage and use it to make spaghetti. My trick to making is a little healthier is mixing zucchini noodles with wheat noodles or I just tried spaghetti squash. 

And, so my family doesn't catch on to my meal prep remix system, I switch up the sides and salads. It has been working out pretty well for me. But, if I run out of ideas and Pinterest, I also visit foodnetwork, bbcgoodfood, and tasty.

I prep snacks for when Maverick gets out of school so I will have them on hand. Meal prepping has been on and off thing for my family, but I did notice I have way more time at the end of the night to wind down properly.

Do you meal prep for your family? What are so recipes in heavy rotation?

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Just breathe.

Have you ever just needed to take a break? If you are a mom like me sometimes that can be very difficult because someone always needs your help or attention. You have to dig deep and push through until you can let go and just be. The one thing that has kept me going through these times are reciting positive affirmations to myself. And, remembering I am here for a reason. Its very easy to let that negative energy overcome your mind and spirit but you have to stay the course.

I am stronger than I think I am.

Look how far I have come.

I have so much work to do.

I am worthy of all things great and positive in my life.

And then remember you are a badass...

I can do anything, be anything, because it is my choice. Only I can hold me back

When I start thinking I am not enough those are the things I tell myself. Happiness is a choice either I put my big girl panties on and do the work necessary to ensure my happiness or I can be consumed by negativity.

So, I say all this to say...
remember to yourself, that you are a blessing to someone. That you are loved and that you are not alone. We all have our moments but sometimes those small moments can change everything. 

To continue pushing through I also frequent websites like Sprinkle of Jesus and  listen to the Women Evolve podcast

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Making Time To Take Care of Your Skin

The past few months, I have been feeling like I have had a new-born. Meaning not as much sleep, and I have been working a lot of hours. My skin has been suffering especially my face. I can't remember my name let alone to wash my face sometimes.

 My friend, Toya, introduced me to Aveeno Cleansing Pads. I have been using them for the past couple of months because I have no time to wash my face two times, tone, eye cream, then moisturizer. So, for my morning routine, I use the Aveeno Cleansing wipes.  Then for my night time routine, I'll go through the whole gauntlet of beauty products but again if I'm tired I'll just use the Aveeno pads and call it a night.

My skin has been more even and I haven't had any major breakouts. I do, make sure after I wash my face, I moisturize and if its daytime I use a SPF tinted moisturizer.

Even though I'm a busy mama, I try to remember its the little things that go a long way. I don't want to look back ten years from now and wish I took better care of my skin. And, with all the products on the market, I'm easily overwhelmed. 

When I have more time, I add in the Elizabeth Arden skincare line. I cleanse my face twice, then use the toner. I feel like a grownup because I have started to use eye cream and facial serum. I use  Valjean Labs Glow for the facial serum and I love it.  On Sundays, I use a Formula 10.0.6 face mask and that really helps. We gotta take care of these beautiful faces.

What affordable skincare products do you use when you are on the go?

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Go-To Pieces for Busy Moms This Fall

Its that time again. The leaves will begin to change so you know what that means?!?!?! My favorite season. Being a busy mom has its challenges, especially when it comes to fashion. I have been attempting to have a more polished look just because I can only be in jogging pants/leggings for so long. Then I have to venture out into reality. 

All of these items were found on: zara, hm, steve madden, american eagle, urban outfitters
I have already started to fill my shopping cart with denim, mini dresses, overalls and moccasins. I picked these items because they are interchangeable and I can easily dress each piece up or down. The paperbag skirt can be paired with a vintage tee and flats for a casual look or take it up a notch with heels and feminine top for date night. 

I'm always concerned with budget so having pieces that I can wear on multiple occasions is crucial. That's why most of my closet can be worn three out of four seasons. Check out my go-to pieces for the beginning of the fall season and let me know what you are going to be wearing this fall.

Friday, June 29, 2018

June Check-In

So, its been awhile since I checked in and let you guys know what's going on with me. To be honest, its the same 'ol beautiful life. It has its ups and downs but there have been far more ups than downs lately. I have let go of feeling like I need to be the same weight I was when I was 25 to be happy. Because when I was 25, I still wasn't happy with the way I looked. Now my goals are to eat healthier and exercise when I can, I'm not going to stress myself out anymore because one of the causes of weight gain can be stress.

I have also learning to meet myself half way and have started to get organized so I can have more time to blog consistently. I'm proud that I have been able to blog and schedule photo sessions. I have plans to start creating more content for you lovely people.

All in all I am learning that I am the master of my journey and I have to keep pushing because its not easy. I struggle daily to put myself first and take care of me. But, I understand its important for me to do this so I will be in the moment with my family and to show my children there is a balance.

With that being said, it hard to keep up... to balance a work and family, personal relationships, while trying to exercise, eat healthy, go on date nights, and vacations. All these things are exhausting... to the point I put things off... 

So, I say all that to say this: We only get this one life (as far as we know) so live it! Be Happy! Take responsibility for your journey so you won't have any regrets. And, if you can't navigate, seek help. Mental Health is a serious issue. One I deal with on a daily basis. The world needs you, your family and friends need you. 

I would love to know how you take care of yourself...


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Scoring awesome beauty products at amazing prices

I may be the last person on earth who have never shopped in the beauty department of Marhall's. Where have I been? Today I got educated. I missed an appointment so I has some time to kill. I went to Marshalls for some Moccasins but to my dismay they didn't have any. I decided to walk around, which I rarely do, and I almost lost my mind and my pocketbook. 

I perused the shelves and saw a lot of familiar names like Elizabeth Arden, Clinique, and SK-II. And, those are just a couple. I have been trying a lot of affordable brands like Aveeno, Cetaphil, and Neutrogena but I wanted to see if there was difference in my skin using more expensive brands but I didn't want to spend the money so I have been procrastinating.

Well, procrastinating no more because I was able to get the Elizabeth Arden line for under 50 bucks. Win, right? I thought so.  I also, scored a MAC Brow Kit, Smashbox Primer, and lipstick for Kat Von D and Anastasia of Beverly Hills. I'm not a makeup gal but I would like to learn how to do my makeup. Now I don't feel bed trying all these products out because if they don't workout I didn't spent that much. 

Now, here is my disclaimer. Please don't stop shopping at Ulta, Sephora, or any place else you get your makeup and skincare products from because Marshalls may or may not care these brands regularly. I just lucked up and plan on visiting the store regularly to stock up. But if you are looking to try some products at a higher price point and Marshalls have them, why not save some of your coins.

Moral of the story is don't sleep on discount store for beauty products.

Where do you shop for your makeup and skincare?

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Summer Dresses on my hit list

With summer in full swing here in Chicago, I managed to find some amazing dresses for the season. I always wear dresses in the summer because I find them to be effortless. And, I don't have to put much though into having a couple outfit to run around town in or a fun date night. I can just throw one on and go. Here are some I found for $150 and under. Let me know what you are wearing this summer.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Papa gets a New Pair of Shoes for Father's Day

Hello Procastinators! I welcome you to join me on the hunt for meaningful finds for our male loved Yes, I'm always late and this gift day is no different. I did plan a fun outing for the day, but finding a gift to give my husband can sometimes be tricky. He loves shoes, I mean loves shoes, so in ode' to my love, I have gathered together a list of cool sneakers he may or may not receive on Father's Day.

places to find these cool sneaks: finish lineflightclub, vans, nike

Friday, June 8, 2018

5 mobile apps I can't live without

I have been trying to stream line my life and use technology to make things easier so I can disconnect from social media and spend more time with my family. For the past month, I have been trying out different apps to assist me with this task, here is what I found so far:

1. The Waze- Similar to your Google Maps and Apple Maps. The Wave is cool because it gives you more information about traffic and lets me play my Spotify app. So, I'm killing two birds with one stone. If you live in Chicago this App is bomb because it alerts you to red light cameras, speeding cameras, and police. It even lets you know if there is an accident or someone stranded on the side of the road.

2. Planoly- This is a must if you like to update you instagram regularly. It lets me plan my photos in advance with my captions so I can disconnect because I'm addicted to social media and there are so many productive things I could be doing. 

3. HoursTracker- I was finding it hard to keep track of what I was doing throughout the day. This app has saved me a couple times because mama needs all her coins and it gave me the information I needed to get paid correctly. You can use the app for 21 days for free but after that there is a one-time $5.99 charge.

4. Spot Hero- Living in the city, this app has saved me. Its finds reasonable priced parking downtown. That is all.

5. Nike Training/MapMyRun- I know these are two apps but I think they are both awesome and they are health related, why not combine them. I use the Nike Training app when I am at home and can't get to the gym. But I love the MapMyRun and you can use it for more than just running. You can use it for biking, treadmill, sprints, etc...

Its a learning process but these apps have really helped me in my everyday life... especially to avoid

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Decor Items Under $30 to Refresh your Home for Spring/Summer

with spring in full effect, its nice to refresh your home just like you refresh your closet. Since we have been in our home, I have never finished decorating a room. So, after a tiling debacle and the help of my friend Shawna Smith, I decided to refresh my kitchen with some unexpected ideas. 

Below is a mock up of what Shawna came up with. Check out my instagram stories, I will be showing sneak peaks and updates. With all that being said, since we decided to refresh the kitchen its the perfect time, to change my curtains, add some decor pieces, and change up my art work. Here are some ideas that I recently added to my home with the help of TJ Maxx and Marshalls.


Monday, May 7, 2018

5 tips for teaching your kids to have a healthy lifestyle

If you have read some of my previous posts, I have been attempting to get in shape and improve my overall health, from the inside out. One of my biggest motivators are my children. I am teaching them to be healthy and exercise through sports. So, they are involved in sports but with their energy level they are always down for an at home workout with mama. Here are some ways to incorporate your children in your workout so you have no excuses.

1. Track - i would like to start running and my kids have shown interest in track so i thought this a great way for them to get started. We run or walk around the track for two miles then I let them go to the park.

2. Walking the dog - I’m ashamed to say i never used to walk my dog. But, that has changed, i want my kids to know our neighborhood so we walk the door and play games. We usually end up at the park again so it’s a win-win for everyone. The dog gets out, the kids play so hard that when they get home they are too tired to do anything but sleep.

3. Ri28 - it’s a workout program that you can do anywhere. They have a challenge every month and it’s $40 sign up. I like the program because you can do it anywhere at anytime. It’s convenient and even though it’s alittle advanced for my kids they still like to attempt to workout.

4. Practice with them - My boys are in basketball and basketball. I’m horrible at both but i like to help them by running drills with them. All the running around helps me break a sweat.

5. Bike rides along the lake - Beautiful scenery and long stretches with no traffic lights. Picnics and going to the beach. All on my list of things to do for the summer

That is the amazing thing about family. We are supporting each other to reach each other's goals. If only I didn't have to hide their veggies in their food, life would be a lot smoother. 


Friday, May 4, 2018

Mother's Day 2018 Goodie Ideas

This year is flying by so quickly, can you believe that Mother's Day is next week. This is perfect time to show the mom or mom figure in your life a little appreciation. No, the day is not all about gifts but they don't hurt. Being a mom has taught me so much about life and has made me appreciate the moments I had with my mother. 

So, if you are fortunate enough to have a mom or mom figure in your life appreciate her. I realize that as individuals we all have different opinions and views on life. But, the bond a child has with its mother is like no other. I can't even describe the love that I had and still have for my mother. She showed me so much unconditional love and sacrifice. I try to pour these morales and values into my own children. 

I know my mother would be proud and maybe even a little surprised at the woman I have become. I thank her for her sacrifices, because I am a better woman and mother from seeing everything she went through to provide for me.

Products pictured above:
1. Neely three-hand Rose Gold Watch
2. Lumee Phone Case
3. Eberjey Gisele Pajamas Set
4. Quay Sunglasses
5. Kate Spade New York Carmeron Crossbody
6. Sephora Lip Favorites
7. Tocca Perfume 
8. Capri Blue Petite Watercolor 
9. Marc Jacobs Gotham Continental Wallet
10. Tory Burch Lacquered Logo Stud Earrings

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

May Check-In

Well, another month just breezed on by. I'm not going to lie, I have been having a rough couple months emotionally. As mothers, I feel sometimes people think we are superwomen. We are everything to everyone. Its easy to lose yourself taking care of everyone around and not feeding your own soul. I have been having a hard to making time for myself. Going deeper than just hair and nails has been difficult for me. 

My time management has been all over the place which has made it hard for me to exercise and make time for things like blogging. I'm still on the journey but its go a lot slower than I thought. Which may or may not be a good thing. In my mind, I would have been in shape and my time management skills would be on a whole nether level but hey, I will keep setting goals until I smash them.

Goals for May?

Being more social and enjoying life. I have been missing a lot of moments, I don't want to look back at my life and see nothing. I want to stop being so hard on myself and just relax. Finding support for reaching my goals has also been important because I waver easily.

Moral of the story... Live in the moment

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

My Must Have Jacket

I think I am obsessed with moto jackets for spring. I know, I am super late to the party but I thought I would share some awesome ones I found. Hopefully spring will show itself sooner, rather than later but in Chicago you never know.

Why do I love moto jackets so much? Because you can dress them up or down. They add a little edge to any outfit. And, I'm just a jeans and t-shirt girl at heart so moto jackets make me look a lot cooler than I am.


March Check-In

It has been a little over a month since I checked in and I must say March kicked my butt. I was depressed for most of the month,  filling myself with unhealthy food and feeling miserable.

Remember self-care is more than just getting a mani/pedi, its also taking care of your body and mental health. Its easy to go to a dark place. Thankfully I have a supportive family and leads me into the light on a daily basis. I don't have time to moop around and feel sad. I have to take care of my boys. 

I have been really upset about the progress of my blog partly because I have horrible time management, add in a work and family its a setup for disaster. But, I have to keep pushing through. I started going back to the gym this week and I also started meal planning and drinking protein shakes.
As I progress, I'll keep you in the loop and let you in on my journey.

Its never easy to put yourself first but I found consistency is my main issue and the key to reaching my goals. So, that is what I am working on consistency. And being present in the moment and enjoying each moment, that's what bring me into the light on my dark days.

Stay tuned for more ...


Sunday, February 25, 2018

For the Girl who Cant Wear Heels

I have been trying to learn how to walk in heels for more than half my life and haven't conquered it. It sucks! I buy them and then they just sit there, collecting dust. I have tried and failed more times then I can count but I can say one thing about me, I'm not a Every few months, I try again. So, here we are and I'm about to try again. Here are a few picks of shoes I am going to try.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Denim and Pearls

Is it Spring yet? I guess not, I have been trying to photograph for weeks due to Chicago's weather, I haven't been able to. After last week's snow storm, I was over it and decided to go for it. It was really cold but I had fun watching my boys play in the snow.

I have been building my denim collection and I found these awesome pearl jeans at Fashion Nova. I thought they would be fun to dress up or dress down. Here are some pearl and denim pieces that would be great for spring. When ever it gets here.

pearls and denim


Monday, February 19, 2018

Self Care Check-in

Whoa! Is It March! Time flies when you are being self-destructive and unmotivated.

I would use that to sum up my month so far. I started off this year with such good intentions but things are slowing downhill. I have been taking better care of me outside but the inside is still searching. 

But instead of this being a woe-is-me post, its going to be WHOA! Its me! So, if you are like me and want to get back on track, here are some tips to keep you on track:

1. Give yourself a break: Change is truly one day at a time and it doesn't happen overnight. For anything to become a habit it takes TIME.

2. Treat the inside and love the outside. Self care doesn't just mean getting your hair and nails done. You also have to set yourself up for success. This is my biggest problem. I don't treat my body nice because my unmotivated self doesn't want to exercise and I overeat a lot. When will the cycle stop? I hope soon because I'm getting tired.

3. Have a creative outlet. Currently, home decor is my sanctuary. I love decorating my home, so I have been using my spare time planning home repairs and trips to IKEA for this hey whatever gets you through, right.

4. Lastly, as said best by Will Smith. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. You and you alone are going to make yourself happy. So, do you. Remember, we only get this one life.

February may be almost over and I have my action plan. I am ready to tackle this life. OH, and try to have some FUN!


Monday, February 12, 2018

Snow Day

February has brought more than a month filled with love. It has also brought a couple weeks of unbearably cold and snowy days. And, what do you do when you have a snow day. Play in the snow! I have been off of work for the past week because of inclement weather and Dominic got a long weekend.

So, we played in the snow, ate tons of pizza, and drank tons hot chocolate. Here are the out takes from the past couple of awesome days. It made me feel like I was a stay-at-home mom again. But, today it was back to business, so until the next snow storm I have these pictures to hang on to.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Valentines Day Gift Guides for the whole family

Valentines Day for her

With the season of love are in full effect. I thought I would share some ideas for affordable gifts for Valentines Day. For my family, Valentines Day hasn't always been a thing but since we had children we always want to make sure we show them a token of our love. We don't spend a lot but we have fun getting each other cards and getting wasted on candy. 


Its important that you know what your partner/friends/ coworker likes. I like thoughtful gifts that or usually items I don't think of. Travel skincare, nail polish, perfume are always fun gifts. And, you guys know I love my workout gear and I really love this sweatshirt so when I saw it came in this rose color I was in love. Plus, you can never go wrong with jewelry or candy.


Chris loves anything athletic and get lucky because his favorite color is red. He has been dying for some Vans to match the boys so that's definitely one of my top choices for the boys. Cologne is also a great gift because he usually doesn't remember to buy it.
Valentines Day for Him


And, I can't forget about my babies. I love to see their faces when they bust open the candy and their small gift. The cards are usually an after thought because what kids care about

Valentines Day for Kids


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Promoting Self-Love for Valentines Day: 5 ways to show yourself some love on Valentines Day

Happy Month of love<3 This is my one month check-in. I must says I was pretty positive about the month but I was also overly ambitious. I think it was unrealistic for me to think I was going to lose 30 pounds, get my finances in order, read thirty books, attain a new wardrobe, start a business, etc... and just cruise through the rest of the year. To keep myself motivated I have come up with five ways I show myself some love.

1. Be positive at all cost... Self-care and Self-love isn't just about taking care of your hair and nails. Its also about surrounding yourself with positive energy and people. Having people around you that motivate and inspire you to be the best version of yourself. In the past, I would surrounded myself with people that might not have my best interest at heart. It caused my depression and sadness to be intensified because I was always trying to save someone when I couldn't save myself.

So, when I cut that dead weight, I feel lighter and happier. I am ready to focus on me and maintaining and creating positive relationships.

*I even went out with the girls this weekend and that is something that has been out of my comfort zone in the past. It was a lovely time and I can't wait to continuing developing my relationships.

2. Don't stop the self-care... The hair, nails, etc... all go into making me feel better about myself and that makes me feel pretty. It is a tangible thing that I look at as I'm doing well. Even if you can't afford to go and get professional care, do it yourself. Take that extra time out to relax and recenter yourself. Its a cold world out here and if we don't take care of ourselves no one will.

3. Give yourself a break... This month alone, I have said, "I'm going to try and be vegan,"  ok, no. Wait "I'm going to only eat fish and chicken," yeah, no... And in the same breath suck down an italian beef from Portillos or pork tacos. What I am going to do is, slow down on the red meat, pork, fast food. But, if I feel like having it, have and not feel guilty about it. Just don't make it a habit. I'm not perfect and that negative energy and guilt only leads to me eating more bad things.

4. Pour into yourself and others... I'm not in competition with anyone. I am on my own personal journey. So, by reading positive books that are motivating and inspiring and putting that energy into action, may be I can inspire or help someone else to get to where they are going.

5. Spoil yourself... Treat yourself... you deserve it. Whether its an outfit, vacation, or a cookie. You only get this one life. I have spent so much time worrying and not enjoying myself, I am left with regret. Leave no regrets. Have fun, learn and be positive.

I hope my journey will help you because this life is a marathon. This Valentines Day appreciate yourself and know your worth. We are all beautiful and deserving. Put in the work to get what you want. God never puts more on us then we can handle because he know we are strong and resilient.

Happy Day of Love<3
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