Sunday, February 4, 2018

Promoting Self-Love for Valentines Day: 5 ways to show yourself some love on Valentines Day

Happy Month of love<3 This is my one month check-in. I must says I was pretty positive about the month but I was also overly ambitious. I think it was unrealistic for me to think I was going to lose 30 pounds, get my finances in order, read thirty books, attain a new wardrobe, start a business, etc... and just cruise through the rest of the year. To keep myself motivated I have come up with five ways I show myself some love.

1. Be positive at all cost... Self-care and Self-love isn't just about taking care of your hair and nails. Its also about surrounding yourself with positive energy and people. Having people around you that motivate and inspire you to be the best version of yourself. In the past, I would surrounded myself with people that might not have my best interest at heart. It caused my depression and sadness to be intensified because I was always trying to save someone when I couldn't save myself.

So, when I cut that dead weight, I feel lighter and happier. I am ready to focus on me and maintaining and creating positive relationships.

*I even went out with the girls this weekend and that is something that has been out of my comfort zone in the past. It was a lovely time and I can't wait to continuing developing my relationships.

2. Don't stop the self-care... The hair, nails, etc... all go into making me feel better about myself and that makes me feel pretty. It is a tangible thing that I look at as I'm doing well. Even if you can't afford to go and get professional care, do it yourself. Take that extra time out to relax and recenter yourself. Its a cold world out here and if we don't take care of ourselves no one will.

3. Give yourself a break... This month alone, I have said, "I'm going to try and be vegan,"  ok, no. Wait "I'm going to only eat fish and chicken," yeah, no... And in the same breath suck down an italian beef from Portillos or pork tacos. What I am going to do is, slow down on the red meat, pork, fast food. But, if I feel like having it, have and not feel guilty about it. Just don't make it a habit. I'm not perfect and that negative energy and guilt only leads to me eating more bad things.

4. Pour into yourself and others... I'm not in competition with anyone. I am on my own personal journey. So, by reading positive books that are motivating and inspiring and putting that energy into action, may be I can inspire or help someone else to get to where they are going.

5. Spoil yourself... Treat yourself... you deserve it. Whether its an outfit, vacation, or a cookie. You only get this one life. I have spent so much time worrying and not enjoying myself, I am left with regret. Leave no regrets. Have fun, learn and be positive.

I hope my journey will help you because this life is a marathon. This Valentines Day appreciate yourself and know your worth. We are all beautiful and deserving. Put in the work to get what you want. God never puts more on us then we can handle because he know we are strong and resilient.

Happy Day of Love<3

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