Sunday, February 25, 2018

For the Girl who Cant Wear Heels

I have been trying to learn how to walk in heels for more than half my life and haven't conquered it. It sucks! I buy them and then they just sit there, collecting dust. I have tried and failed more times then I can count but I can say one thing about me, I'm not a Every few months, I try again. So, here we are and I'm about to try again. Here are a few picks of shoes I am going to try.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Denim and Pearls

Is it Spring yet? I guess not, I have been trying to photograph for weeks due to Chicago's weather, I haven't been able to. After last week's snow storm, I was over it and decided to go for it. It was really cold but I had fun watching my boys play in the snow.

I have been building my denim collection and I found these awesome pearl jeans at Fashion Nova. I thought they would be fun to dress up or dress down. Here are some pearl and denim pieces that would be great for spring. When ever it gets here.

pearls and denim


Monday, February 19, 2018

Self Care Check-in

Whoa! Is It March! Time flies when you are being self-destructive and unmotivated.

I would use that to sum up my month so far. I started off this year with such good intentions but things are slowing downhill. I have been taking better care of me outside but the inside is still searching. 

But instead of this being a woe-is-me post, its going to be WHOA! Its me! So, if you are like me and want to get back on track, here are some tips to keep you on track:

1. Give yourself a break: Change is truly one day at a time and it doesn't happen overnight. For anything to become a habit it takes TIME.

2. Treat the inside and love the outside. Self care doesn't just mean getting your hair and nails done. You also have to set yourself up for success. This is my biggest problem. I don't treat my body nice because my unmotivated self doesn't want to exercise and I overeat a lot. When will the cycle stop? I hope soon because I'm getting tired.

3. Have a creative outlet. Currently, home decor is my sanctuary. I love decorating my home, so I have been using my spare time planning home repairs and trips to IKEA for this hey whatever gets you through, right.

4. Lastly, as said best by Will Smith. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. You and you alone are going to make yourself happy. So, do you. Remember, we only get this one life.

February may be almost over and I have my action plan. I am ready to tackle this life. OH, and try to have some FUN!


Monday, February 12, 2018

Snow Day

February has brought more than a month filled with love. It has also brought a couple weeks of unbearably cold and snowy days. And, what do you do when you have a snow day. Play in the snow! I have been off of work for the past week because of inclement weather and Dominic got a long weekend.

So, we played in the snow, ate tons of pizza, and drank tons hot chocolate. Here are the out takes from the past couple of awesome days. It made me feel like I was a stay-at-home mom again. But, today it was back to business, so until the next snow storm I have these pictures to hang on to.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Valentines Day Gift Guides for the whole family

Valentines Day for her

With the season of love are in full effect. I thought I would share some ideas for affordable gifts for Valentines Day. For my family, Valentines Day hasn't always been a thing but since we had children we always want to make sure we show them a token of our love. We don't spend a lot but we have fun getting each other cards and getting wasted on candy. 


Its important that you know what your partner/friends/ coworker likes. I like thoughtful gifts that or usually items I don't think of. Travel skincare, nail polish, perfume are always fun gifts. And, you guys know I love my workout gear and I really love this sweatshirt so when I saw it came in this rose color I was in love. Plus, you can never go wrong with jewelry or candy.


Chris loves anything athletic and get lucky because his favorite color is red. He has been dying for some Vans to match the boys so that's definitely one of my top choices for the boys. Cologne is also a great gift because he usually doesn't remember to buy it.
Valentines Day for Him


And, I can't forget about my babies. I love to see their faces when they bust open the candy and their small gift. The cards are usually an after thought because what kids care about

Valentines Day for Kids


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Promoting Self-Love for Valentines Day: 5 ways to show yourself some love on Valentines Day

Happy Month of love<3 This is my one month check-in. I must says I was pretty positive about the month but I was also overly ambitious. I think it was unrealistic for me to think I was going to lose 30 pounds, get my finances in order, read thirty books, attain a new wardrobe, start a business, etc... and just cruise through the rest of the year. To keep myself motivated I have come up with five ways I show myself some love.

1. Be positive at all cost... Self-care and Self-love isn't just about taking care of your hair and nails. Its also about surrounding yourself with positive energy and people. Having people around you that motivate and inspire you to be the best version of yourself. In the past, I would surrounded myself with people that might not have my best interest at heart. It caused my depression and sadness to be intensified because I was always trying to save someone when I couldn't save myself.

So, when I cut that dead weight, I feel lighter and happier. I am ready to focus on me and maintaining and creating positive relationships.

*I even went out with the girls this weekend and that is something that has been out of my comfort zone in the past. It was a lovely time and I can't wait to continuing developing my relationships.

2. Don't stop the self-care... The hair, nails, etc... all go into making me feel better about myself and that makes me feel pretty. It is a tangible thing that I look at as I'm doing well. Even if you can't afford to go and get professional care, do it yourself. Take that extra time out to relax and recenter yourself. Its a cold world out here and if we don't take care of ourselves no one will.

3. Give yourself a break... This month alone, I have said, "I'm going to try and be vegan,"  ok, no. Wait "I'm going to only eat fish and chicken," yeah, no... And in the same breath suck down an italian beef from Portillos or pork tacos. What I am going to do is, slow down on the red meat, pork, fast food. But, if I feel like having it, have and not feel guilty about it. Just don't make it a habit. I'm not perfect and that negative energy and guilt only leads to me eating more bad things.

4. Pour into yourself and others... I'm not in competition with anyone. I am on my own personal journey. So, by reading positive books that are motivating and inspiring and putting that energy into action, may be I can inspire or help someone else to get to where they are going.

5. Spoil yourself... Treat yourself... you deserve it. Whether its an outfit, vacation, or a cookie. You only get this one life. I have spent so much time worrying and not enjoying myself, I am left with regret. Leave no regrets. Have fun, learn and be positive.

I hope my journey will help you because this life is a marathon. This Valentines Day appreciate yourself and know your worth. We are all beautiful and deserving. Put in the work to get what you want. God never puts more on us then we can handle because he know we are strong and resilient.

Happy Day of Love<3
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