Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Just breathe.

Have you ever just needed to take a break? If you are a mom like me sometimes that can be very difficult because someone always needs your help or attention. You have to dig deep and push through until you can let go and just be. The one thing that has kept me going through these times are reciting positive affirmations to myself. And, remembering I am here for a reason. Its very easy to let that negative energy overcome your mind and spirit but you have to stay the course.

I am stronger than I think I am.

Look how far I have come.

I have so much work to do.

I am worthy of all things great and positive in my life.

And then remember you are a badass...

I can do anything, be anything, because it is my choice. Only I can hold me back

When I start thinking I am not enough those are the things I tell myself. Happiness is a choice either I put my big girl panties on and do the work necessary to ensure my happiness or I can be consumed by negativity.

So, I say all this to say...
remember to yourself, that you are a blessing to someone. That you are loved and that you are not alone. We all have our moments but sometimes those small moments can change everything. 

To continue pushing through I also frequent websites like Sprinkle of Jesus and  listen to the Women Evolve podcast

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Making Time To Take Care of Your Skin

The past few months, I have been feeling like I have had a new-born. Meaning not as much sleep, and I have been working a lot of hours. My skin has been suffering especially my face. I can't remember my name let alone to wash my face sometimes.

 My friend, Toya, introduced me to Aveeno Cleansing Pads. I have been using them for the past couple of months because I have no time to wash my face two times, tone, eye cream, then moisturizer. So, for my morning routine, I use the Aveeno Cleansing wipes.  Then for my night time routine, I'll go through the whole gauntlet of beauty products but again if I'm tired I'll just use the Aveeno pads and call it a night.

My skin has been more even and I haven't had any major breakouts. I do, make sure after I wash my face, I moisturize and if its daytime I use a SPF tinted moisturizer.

Even though I'm a busy mama, I try to remember its the little things that go a long way. I don't want to look back ten years from now and wish I took better care of my skin. And, with all the products on the market, I'm easily overwhelmed. 

When I have more time, I add in the Elizabeth Arden skincare line. I cleanse my face twice, then use the toner. I feel like a grownup because I have started to use eye cream and facial serum. I use  Valjean Labs Glow for the facial serum and I love it.  On Sundays, I use a Formula 10.0.6 face mask and that really helps. We gotta take care of these beautiful faces.

What affordable skincare products do you use when you are on the go?
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