Monday, August 31, 2020

Upgrading My Loungewear

Since COVID19 is still in full effect here in Chicago, I have mostly been wearing workout attire, pajamas and sweats. In the beginning I looked like a homeless lady walking the streets with holey socks, and stained sweat pants but I have decided to get my at home look at make over with some bomb lounge wear and pajamas. My self esteem has been teetering so anything will help at this point. 

So, I have loaded my shopping cart with basics from my favorite stores so my kids won't be scared to go out in public with me:




So, What have you been wearing during the quarantine? I feel like everything goes full circle because I remember my mom wearing the same stuff back in the 80s.


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Life Currently...

Hello My Friends! Its been a while since I have caught you guys up on what's happening with me. I'm not gonna lie. Quarantine has gotten to me y'all. I started off so well. I was eating healthy and working out but the stress from work, kids at home 24/7 and following my dreams brought my anxiety up to level 10. 

Currently, I am researching some fun things for the fam to do Labor Day weekend. Anyone ideas would be appreciated. I think a short road trip to Wisconsin Dells or Lake Geneva may be the way to go since we aren't really traveling due to the pandemic.... duh But, I have still made an appointment for September for the whole family to get passports...

Within staycations on my mind, I have been buying a lot self care and home products. All products were purchased on Amazon because I don't go out to store much anymore

1. Alice and Olivia Sunglasses... Never been a sunglasses type of person but I'm tired of not being able to see in the sun

2.  Gel Manicure Kit from Amazon. With the pandemic still raging, I find myself having to take matters into my own hands. I really like this kit because it offers everything I need but practice makes perfect. 

3. Ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. While back I took my rings to get cleaned and the did a horrible job so I purchased this jewelry cleaner so I can do it myself at home. My friend cleaned our rings when we were visiting and I fell in love.

4.  Hanging Planters, these were love at first sight. I love they come in different shapes and sizes. The planters make everything look more polished and sophisticated. I even purchased the planets from Amazon.


Monday, August 3, 2020

Things I Do Every Week To Love Myself

I wish I woke up every morning and I knew how amazing I am.  But, I don't. I wake up with self doubt. I don't allow it to last because I know I deserve self happiness. To me self happiness is loving myself where I am and not comparing myself to anyone else. I know this can be hard but I know there is only one Jameka. Everything about me is special and that's what I tell myself. 

I am better than my circumstances or where I come from. Meaning my trials make me stronger, making self doubt seem small. 
I tell myself, I'm Janet Marie's daughter. I am my mother's child. To love myself, is to honor my mother and the life she created
Sometimes when I'm at work and I'm tired. I think of my family. They help me push through. When my Foreman is being hard on me, I know I can't give up.

1. Positive thoughts and affirmations seem cliche but they help me push through. I can get overwhelmed with work and kids. And, that's okay. Along with those affirmations, I give myself time to find peace. Meditation and quiet time allow me to recenter myself.

2. I never leave my house without feeling beautiful. I'm not walking out my house without loving how I look. I don't care where I am going. It helps me feel confident about me. In the process builds my self esteem. And, with that, I have been shopping for the body I have now. Not the body I will have in the future.

3. I take pictures of myself. This might seem weird but I have years where I have no photographs of me. I barely have any pregnancy photos and that makes me sad.

4. Work on something you love. For me, its home decorating. It relieves my stress and helps make my house a home.

5. Challenge yourself. I have made list of everything I would like to accomplish. I challenge myself to complete one goal a month. This helps me step out of my comfort zone. It helps me stop being complacent. And it makes me accountable to myself and my goals.

In five months, I will turn 40 years old. I still feel much younger but I have realized I have wasted enough time being sad, and daydreaming. It's time to act.

So, what are you doing to show yourself love?


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