Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rolling with the Punches

If you live in Chicago and your child goes to public school you may be in a bit if a panic or you may be in the position to enjoying this extra time you spend with your children. I am lucky enough to be able to send my children to their grandmother during the day but I worry that they will be behind due to school being out. 

So, after much thinking and a little planning. I have decided school is in session at the Prince house. We have been reading books and using workbooks that I got from the Lakeshore Learning Center to help them with math and writing. If you live in the area, this is an awesome place to go to find learning materials for your child. It doesn't matter the age. They have flash cards, workbooks and learning games. All which have been helping me with the kids. I plan to go back this week for a few more items since there has been no new information about the strike.

And, to keep things fun, we are going old school by ordering some family board games like UNO, Checkers, Monopoly and Scrabble. Hopefully this will help keep them entertained without television or Playstation. Besides that we have been watching a ton of movies and trying to maintain our routine so its not such an adjustment when its time for the kids to go back to school.

What are you doing to keep your kids entertain during the strike?

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