Sunday, July 26, 2020

Rebuilding My Denim Collection

Jeans used to be my favorite item to wear. But, I could never find a pear that fit me like a glove. I'm a thick lady, smaller waist, large thighs and big full butt. Current times would say this is the trending body type but I beg to differ when it comes to shopping. I can never find clothes that fit. Until I started researching brands. I found out that I love smaller boutiques like Minaa Monroe, House of Chic LA, and Nichole Lynel. But, my pocket book can't always handle it. In these cases, I look to larger branded stores like Zara, HM, Target and Walmart to fill the wardrobe dilemma I am having.

When searching for jeans, I did my research. Levis were always big in the waist. Fashion Nova always stretched out and American Eagle always made me feel like I was in between sizes. After watch a hundred YouTube reviews, I decided to try Zara. And, when I tell you I was pleasantly surprised that would be an understatement. Baby, those jeans fit. The skinny jeans are my favorite but I have purchased some baggy jeans as well as mom fit jeans.

I got tired of the stereotype that I have wear a certain type of jeans because I'm bigger. No ma'am, I not buying it. It's all about the FIT. If it fits in the right areas and doesn't lose the shape or appearance of what the garment is supposed to look like, I'm down with it. Plus, once you find your favorite pair of  jeans you will wear them every where, hanging out, date night, playing with the kids because they are so comfortable. So, here is my round up of my favorite affordable jeans.

MOM FIT: the trend as come back around again with the relaxed fit and tapered leg. These jeans are so comfortable. Sometimes I like the bigger fit because these thighs need to I balance out the baggy fit with bodysuits and form fitting tops.  
SKINNY JEAN: I have tried almost hundreds of brands from skinny jeans and I was always left underwhelmed.. The waist was too big, material stretches out with one wear and they made my butt look unflattering. But, Zara's jeans actually fit. And, I'm surprised. The waist band was almost perfect and the fabric was thicker and didn't stretch out.   I style these with t-shirts or flowly tops.   
PAPERBAG: Just like the Mom Fit. The PaperBag Jean is relaxed and pulls in the waist. But, it has a decorative waist band. All the positives of the mom fit and none of the negative. I style these with bodysuits.

And, there you have it. My favorite jeans, I'm wearing right now. If you are curvy like me, don't give up on jeans. You just have to keep trying!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Easy to Wear Summer Dresses From Target

I haven't done a fashion post in years, but I was inspired! The past six months, I have been getting to know my style and experimenting with clothes and accessories that I have wanted to try for a while. I am a dress girl. I love throwing on dressing because it's an entire outfit. I don't have to worry about matching the top or the bottom. In this post, I show you all the dresses I'm loving from Target. Yes, Target! I'm the self proclaimed low low queen. I love the challenge of finding affordable fashion and dressing it up. And, I love to get the most for my money, all of these dresses will transition into fall with me. Since I'm a layered being ,I'll show the dresses here then update you on how I'll transition each dress as it draws closer to Fall but now its hot so I'll probably just wear them as they are.  

The dress I'm wearing is from Cushnie and I thought this is a perfect dress because it can transition to fall and I love the colors. Plus, I can dress it up or down. Here I chose to dress it up for date night. Don't sleep on Target they have some amazing quality dresses that can work for you and your budget.

Below are some other options that I love:


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

How We Saved Our Marriage

Marriage isn't an easy thing, and I'm the first one to admit I didn't think I was good at it. But, after a couple years, may be more, of being miserable, I hadn't even decided that I needed a change. My husband actually came to me and said he didn't like the direction our life was going and thought we needed a change. 

The first step for us was to get to know ourselves and relearn each other. As people we are constantly growing and changing, and when you don't make time with your partner to learn and grow, things can get tricky. But, when you add in careers, home life and children all these elements are fighting for your individual attention.

 Knowing your self is the most important aspect of being in a relationship. You have to know what your boundaries are, what you like or don't like, etc... and if you don't know these things, you can't expect your partner to know. So, as I was practicing self love, we went back to dating. Making it a point to have fun with each other and have conversations about things other than kids and bills.

Another important change is the yelling must stop. Especially in front of the kids. We take a moment to gather our thoughts and express ourselves. Hopefully in the end we have a compromise, if not we must agree to disagree. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff and I hate to admit it, but I am Petty Betty. I had to learn to pick my battles and acknowledge that everything wasn't going to go my way.

Again, marriage is work and you get what you put in.  If you pour into your relationship nothing but good can come out of it if it is meant to be. 

What's something you and your partner do to stay connected? 

Monday, July 13, 2020

Embracing All Of Me

For the past 30 days, I have been soul searching. The current world climate has forced me to rethink a few things. Many may think its simple but one of the things I have struggled with is my hair. The thought that some people have "good"hair and others have "bad" or nappy hair. My entire life has been spent hiding my hair to the point that I have damaged it and had to start over more than once.

So, I challenged myself to get to know my hair. Now, this is not the first time I have tried but I am determined to get to know every coil, kink and curl. Why? Because there is no such thing as "good" or "bad", its just hair. And, it's a part of me. 

My hair journey is simple. I called my best friend and asked her what to do. I was way out of my league and had been wearing wigs and extensions with little breaks for the past 17 years. And, when I wasn't covering my hair up, I was chemically processing it to be straight. But, for the past five years, I have been completely natural

To be honest it has been a labor or love because its all trial and error. I watch a ton of YouTube videos and for the most part have been successful. All this has taught me to grow, I must experiment and get out of my comfort zone. I love my afro. It's bold and quirky, which is not my personality but maybe it should be. 

I say this to let you know that we are all beautiful. There is no one shape or color that shines brighter than the other. We were all put here for a purpose and I plan to start finding and living it. I embrace all of me and give myself grace on this journey.

What have you learn about yourself lately?
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