Monday, July 13, 2020

Embracing All Of Me

For the past 30 days, I have been soul searching. The current world climate has forced me to rethink a few things. Many may think its simple but one of the things I have struggled with is my hair. The thought that some people have "good"hair and others have "bad" or nappy hair. My entire life has been spent hiding my hair to the point that I have damaged it and had to start over more than once.

So, I challenged myself to get to know my hair. Now, this is not the first time I have tried but I am determined to get to know every coil, kink and curl. Why? Because there is no such thing as "good" or "bad", its just hair. And, it's a part of me. 

My hair journey is simple. I called my best friend and asked her what to do. I was way out of my league and had been wearing wigs and extensions with little breaks for the past 17 years. And, when I wasn't covering my hair up, I was chemically processing it to be straight. But, for the past five years, I have been completely natural

To be honest it has been a labor or love because its all trial and error. I watch a ton of YouTube videos and for the most part have been successful. All this has taught me to grow, I must experiment and get out of my comfort zone. I love my afro. It's bold and quirky, which is not my personality but maybe it should be. 

I say this to let you know that we are all beautiful. There is no one shape or color that shines brighter than the other. We were all put here for a purpose and I plan to start finding and living it. I embrace all of me and give myself grace on this journey.

What have you learn about yourself lately?

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