Wednesday, July 15, 2020

How We Saved Our Marriage

Marriage isn't an easy thing, and I'm the first one to admit I didn't think I was good at it. But, after a couple years, may be more, of being miserable, I hadn't even decided that I needed a change. My husband actually came to me and said he didn't like the direction our life was going and thought we needed a change. 

The first step for us was to get to know ourselves and relearn each other. As people we are constantly growing and changing, and when you don't make time with your partner to learn and grow, things can get tricky. But, when you add in careers, home life and children all these elements are fighting for your individual attention.

 Knowing your self is the most important aspect of being in a relationship. You have to know what your boundaries are, what you like or don't like, etc... and if you don't know these things, you can't expect your partner to know. So, as I was practicing self love, we went back to dating. Making it a point to have fun with each other and have conversations about things other than kids and bills.

Another important change is the yelling must stop. Especially in front of the kids. We take a moment to gather our thoughts and express ourselves. Hopefully in the end we have a compromise, if not we must agree to disagree. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff and I hate to admit it, but I am Petty Betty. I had to learn to pick my battles and acknowledge that everything wasn't going to go my way.

Again, marriage is work and you get what you put in.  If you pour into your relationship nothing but good can come out of it if it is meant to be. 

What's something you and your partner do to stay connected? 

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