Monday, December 31, 2018

Continuing to build greatness in the New Year!

Happy New Year! This has always been seen as a time for new beginnings, a time for change. But, let's face it bad habits die hard and most of us only last the month of January before we revert back to our unhealthy habits. Don't feel bad, it's human nature. So, how do we get change to stick? Simple, you have to want it. Meaning you have to want change more than you want to stay the same. 

Here are a couple simple steps to take to help build your greatness and make it stick;

1. Your support system.
No more taking that bad energy into your future. Toxic people can hurt your growth. Surround yourself with like-minded people that are on the same journey as you. I know its sad you might have to leave people behind but it is better to love from afar than to be down in the dumps because the people around you have no motivation to do better.

2. Make sure you are mentally healthy
Mental health is just as important as physical health. Gone are the days where people suffer in silence. Talk to a professional. Get help from someone that knows what they are talking about and can give you constructive advice on how to change and stop the negative cycle you are on.

3. Start small.
I mean, meet yourself where you are. I started working on consistently in October, at first I thought I could do a drastic lifestyle change and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I stop working out and started binge eating three weeks in. But, I know where I wanted to get so I decided 50/50 was my goal. Meaning working out 3/4 days a week and eating healthy 50% of the time. Of course my results aren't drastic but I can see a difference in my body. Once this has become a lifestyle then I will tweak it by adding more water and eating healthy 80% of the time. So, don't bite off more than you can chew because you can push yourself back further than where you started.

4. Think Big.
Make your vision board, write in your journal, or where ever you express yourself. I used to think small like if one person reads my blog I would be happy. Not anymore, pushing myself beyond my comfort zone will only benefit me. My vision board this year is so big its disrespectful. So what. If everything doesn't happen this year, I'm still shooting for the stars.

5. Run your own race
There is only one you. So, don't compare yourself to someone who is on their own journey. I have spent much of my life watching others achieve while I sit and wait for the "right time." There is no right time. Remember you have your own path so just focus on being a better you than you were yesterday, last week, last month, last year.

And, as I said in my last post, it's never too late to get your *ish together but time does run out.

I love the Sprinkle of Jesus App  . It sends me messages daily to remind me of the positive. So, as we go into this year, give yourself a break. What changes, if any are you making in the new year?

Friday, December 28, 2018

Never too late to get your ish together

What happened to 2018? With this year quickly coming to an end, I am forced to reflect. And, I must say I can do better. I have come to realize that even though it's never too late to get your sh*t together, time waits for no man. And, while I know the blessings that God has for me are only for me, I have to go get them.

Have you made any resolutions for the new year?

I have not, I have only made one promise. To go harder than I ever have before. As a person, wife, mother, friend, and dreamer. Do my absolute best to make all my dreams come true for one year with no slacking or complaint.


Because I believe in myself enough to try. And, I'm not getting any younger. I have set goals for myself that I am going to smash. So, I have listed 5 easy ways I'm going to smash my 2019 promise.

1. I will be limiting my social media. 
I found I spend too much time watching other peoples dreams instead of chasing mine.  This will help me stay consistent and free up time.

So, in the new year. I will be planning content for all my social media in advance. Using apps like Hootsuite, Buffer, Planoly, and Canva.

2. Self-Care will become my main priority
If I'm not good mentally and physically, I will be unable to function and be there for my children, husband, or friends.

I will continue what I starting in 2018 but be more intentional with my diet. By using myfitnesspal, my apple watch, and the Nike training apps. I will continue on my health journey. Also, keeping those mani/pedi appointments and hanging out with friends has really helped with my stress and anxiety.

3. Make a plan and follow through
I love to start the year off with extremely high goals and no follow through. I am not doing that this year. I do have to start making a schedule for my side hustle and family. I want to be able to stay on top of everything without getting overwhelmed  

4. Remember anything is possible
Everyone has the same seven days a week, 24 hours in a day. It is up to me to stay consistent and push through. We all know nothing is easy, life sucks sometimes but there are always things to be thankful for. So, NO EXCUSES! 

5. Keep God in your life

What are your goals for 2019? How do you plan to stay motivated?

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Procrastinators guide to Christmas - Kids

If you are like me sometimes life gets in the way and the holidays is not the first thing on my mind. So, this year I decided to stick with Amazon Prime to make sure my procrastination doesn't get in the way of the Christmas Spirit. Remember, this is the season of giving.

Even though my kids are still little they are developing their own sense of style. And, following in their dad's footsteps they have a shoe fetish. I always try to balance out buying toys with clothes and shoes even though they they only want the toys.

Being the mom of boys, I have to be up to date on all the new toys. So, these are the boys picks for Christmas. My kids love Japanese and Korean cartoons, so they want all the toys to go with. For the most part I can find everything but when I can't Amazon is the place.

Remember, it's the thought that counts. And, at the end of the day, kids just want to have fun. 

Spreading the Holiday: Our Favorite Holiday Books

Spreading Christmas cheer by teaching my kids the true meaning of Christmas. Teaching them that being good people is more important than toys or gifts. Reading Christmas stories has helped me teach my kids how to be kind and giving. So, I have rallied together a couple of our favorite books that we read through the holiday season. Amazon Prime has really made my life so much easier, I have been able to order more books and keep the tradition going. Happy reading fam.

Do you know of any good kid holiday books?


Sunday, December 2, 2018

Hello Christmas.

Tis the season to be jolly. Or is it. The holidays can be one of the most depressing time for some. For me it's a time to remember the things that I have and work towards the things that I don't. My ultimate goal this year was to put myself first. Learning how to live life as Jameka, as well as mommy, and wife can be difficult but hey, someone has to do it. Over the years, I have gotten great advice about how to live life and accomplish those goals. This time I have decided to apply a lot of it to the holidays.

1. Create your narrative - This is very important. Everyone has decided what the holidays should be like the tradition of having dinner with your family but it is most important to be surrounded by loving, supportive people. Depending on our season, we plan events and moments that we can have fun and enjoy the company of friends and family. Its not always traditional but its us.

2. Relax - The holidays can be so overwhelming. I am learning how to navigate and only do what I can. So, preplanning is SO IMPORTANT! I'm in the process of getting ready for Christmas and its more fun because I'm not in a rush. What gets done, gets done. 

3. Have fun- Remember you are creating memories. Each year, I get more excited! I see Christmas through my children's eyes and its magical. They are at a point where they still believe in Santa, so we make our lists and mail them out, they get so excited for what's to come. We have also started the tradition of decorating on Thanksgiving. Since home decor is my happy place, I have fun and my stress disappears as I add Christmas touches all over the house.

So. Let's be jolly and welcome the holidays and a preparation for the new year. Remember, don't stress and don't over exert yourself because it takes the fun out of precious moments.
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