Tuesday, March 27, 2018

My Must Have Jacket

I think I am obsessed with moto jackets for spring. I know, I am super late to the party but I thought I would share some awesome ones I found. Hopefully spring will show itself sooner, rather than later but in Chicago you never know.

Why do I love moto jackets so much? Because you can dress them up or down. They add a little edge to any outfit. And, I'm just a jeans and t-shirt girl at heart so moto jackets make me look a lot cooler than I am.


March Check-In

It has been a little over a month since I checked in and I must say March kicked my butt. I was depressed for most of the month,  filling myself with unhealthy food and feeling miserable.

Remember self-care is more than just getting a mani/pedi, its also taking care of your body and mental health. Its easy to go to a dark place. Thankfully I have a supportive family and leads me into the light on a daily basis. I don't have time to moop around and feel sad. I have to take care of my boys. 

I have been really upset about the progress of my blog partly because I have horrible time management, add in a work and family its a setup for disaster. But, I have to keep pushing through. I started going back to the gym this week and I also started meal planning and drinking protein shakes.
As I progress, I'll keep you in the loop and let you in on my journey.

Its never easy to put yourself first but I found consistency is my main issue and the key to reaching my goals. So, that is what I am working on consistency. And being present in the moment and enjoying each moment, that's what bring me into the light on my dark days.

Stay tuned for more ...

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