Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Building My Beauty Arsenal With IPSY

With everything going on at the moment, I decided that I needed to treat myself. I have been wanting to try a subscription box for a while and when I stumbled upon Ipsy, I t
hought it was a perfect fit. I liked that the company has an in depth quiz to make sure they send me items that I would like and also to push me outside my comfort zone when it comes to beauty.

It came in a pretty box. When you crack it open, there are five products ranging from makeup to skincare. 
And, a cute travel case lies at the bottom. Each product is full sized. IPSY has three different price points 
$12, $25, and 35 dollars. I went for the $25 dollar option because there were larger sized products.

Since its a monthly subscription, I'll receive a surprise every month! With all that being said, how are you relieving stress during this difficult time? I find that I am consistently online shopping so I definitely looking for a new hobby. Let me know if you guys use subscription boxes and if so which ones. I'm always on the look out for quality companies

xo- meka 


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