Monday, August 3, 2020

Things I Do Every Week To Love Myself

I wish I woke up every morning and I knew how amazing I am.  But, I don't. I wake up with self doubt. I don't allow it to last because I know I deserve self happiness. To me self happiness is loving myself where I am and not comparing myself to anyone else. I know this can be hard but I know there is only one Jameka. Everything about me is special and that's what I tell myself. 

I am better than my circumstances or where I come from. Meaning my trials make me stronger, making self doubt seem small. 
I tell myself, I'm Janet Marie's daughter. I am my mother's child. To love myself, is to honor my mother and the life she created
Sometimes when I'm at work and I'm tired. I think of my family. They help me push through. When my Foreman is being hard on me, I know I can't give up.

1. Positive thoughts and affirmations seem cliche but they help me push through. I can get overwhelmed with work and kids. And, that's okay. Along with those affirmations, I give myself time to find peace. Meditation and quiet time allow me to recenter myself.

2. I never leave my house without feeling beautiful. I'm not walking out my house without loving how I look. I don't care where I am going. It helps me feel confident about me. In the process builds my self esteem. And, with that, I have been shopping for the body I have now. Not the body I will have in the future.

3. I take pictures of myself. This might seem weird but I have years where I have no photographs of me. I barely have any pregnancy photos and that makes me sad.

4. Work on something you love. For me, its home decorating. It relieves my stress and helps make my house a home.

5. Challenge yourself. I have made list of everything I would like to accomplish. I challenge myself to complete one goal a month. This helps me step out of my comfort zone. It helps me stop being complacent. And it makes me accountable to myself and my goals.

In five months, I will turn 40 years old. I still feel much younger but I have realized I have wasted enough time being sad, and daydreaming. It's time to act.

So, what are you doing to show yourself love?



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