Monday, February 19, 2018

Self Care Check-in

Whoa! Is It March! Time flies when you are being self-destructive and unmotivated.

I would use that to sum up my month so far. I started off this year with such good intentions but things are slowing downhill. I have been taking better care of me outside but the inside is still searching. 

But instead of this being a woe-is-me post, its going to be WHOA! Its me! So, if you are like me and want to get back on track, here are some tips to keep you on track:

1. Give yourself a break: Change is truly one day at a time and it doesn't happen overnight. For anything to become a habit it takes TIME.

2. Treat the inside and love the outside. Self care doesn't just mean getting your hair and nails done. You also have to set yourself up for success. This is my biggest problem. I don't treat my body nice because my unmotivated self doesn't want to exercise and I overeat a lot. When will the cycle stop? I hope soon because I'm getting tired.

3. Have a creative outlet. Currently, home decor is my sanctuary. I love decorating my home, so I have been using my spare time planning home repairs and trips to IKEA for this hey whatever gets you through, right.

4. Lastly, as said best by Will Smith. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. You and you alone are going to make yourself happy. So, do you. Remember, we only get this one life.

February may be almost over and I have my action plan. I am ready to tackle this life. OH, and try to have some FUN!


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