Friday, June 29, 2018

June Check-In

So, its been awhile since I checked in and let you guys know what's going on with me. To be honest, its the same 'ol beautiful life. It has its ups and downs but there have been far more ups than downs lately. I have let go of feeling like I need to be the same weight I was when I was 25 to be happy. Because when I was 25, I still wasn't happy with the way I looked. Now my goals are to eat healthier and exercise when I can, I'm not going to stress myself out anymore because one of the causes of weight gain can be stress.

I have also learning to meet myself half way and have started to get organized so I can have more time to blog consistently. I'm proud that I have been able to blog and schedule photo sessions. I have plans to start creating more content for you lovely people.

All in all I am learning that I am the master of my journey and I have to keep pushing because its not easy. I struggle daily to put myself first and take care of me. But, I understand its important for me to do this so I will be in the moment with my family and to show my children there is a balance.

With that being said, it hard to keep up... to balance a work and family, personal relationships, while trying to exercise, eat healthy, go on date nights, and vacations. All these things are exhausting... to the point I put things off... 

So, I say all that to say this: We only get this one life (as far as we know) so live it! Be Happy! Take responsibility for your journey so you won't have any regrets. And, if you can't navigate, seek help. Mental Health is a serious issue. One I deal with on a daily basis. The world needs you, your family and friends need you. 

I would love to know how you take care of yourself...


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