Friday, May 29, 2020

This is America: Open Letter To My Sons.

Dear Dominic and Maverick:

There is a lot happening in this country right now. As you grow, you will learn everything is not what it seems. You will be judged by more than the content of your character. You will be judged by the color of your skin. Even though this is unfair it is the burden that you carry.  

And, yes your caramel skin is beautiful but it comes with harsh false presumptions. Meaning, people will think negative things about you based on your hue. It's important to know how serious this is because it will effect you for the rest of your life. Many have lost their lives and been falsely accused based solely on the color of your skin.

While to some may see your future as dim, I see the light. You will rise. How? By being yourself, kind and generous. You will be the example of good. You lead with love and stand by the strength your father and I have instilled in you. I pray you have an opportunity to live your purpose and given a fair chance.

The world will get worse before it gets better. Be prepared. But know God put you here for a reason. And, as long as I have breath I will love you, fight for you, and protect you.


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