Thursday, May 21, 2020

This is Me.

Hola! I have been very introspective lately. I have been making major changes, to become a better person, more intentional in how I move in this world. And in doing this, I thought I would let you know a little more about me. So, let's get started, 10 things that you may or may not know about me:

1. I like expensive things but I'm too cheap to but them
I love fashion. I love styling but for some reason I can never pull the trigger. Gucci, Louie, Prada, I'm here for it but I love the challenge of finding more affordable items that are still on trend. I was always taught, you buy good shoes, coats and bags. Everything else should be affordable. This is not to say, I will never have a luxury bag or accessory but its not on my radar at the moment.

Favorite brands:
Zara- And yes, curvy girls can rock Zara. I have just ordered some awesome stuff, I can't wait to show you!

2. I looooove home decor. I'll say it again I love home decor!
If decorating my home could be my job, I would be happily employed. It took me five years to fall in love with my house first house but now that we are in our forever home, I am going to take more risks and have fun decorating...

Go to spots:
TheDump, TJMaxx, and Ikea... mixed in with a little West Elm, World Market and CB2

3. I'm a foodie... learning to enjoy food and trying not to over indulge

4. I'm a home body, that thinks I want to go out, but I exprire at like

5. I love spin classes... Got the Peloton and its the bomb, no regrets on of my best splurge items

6. I used to do craft shows... All over Chicago and it was fun while it lasted

7. I used to be a stay-at-home mommy, with Dominic for 6 years and 9 months with Maverick. I had some of the best times and I feel so lucky to have been able to stay home as long as I did

8. I am a procrastinator, my achilles heel, I'm working on being more consistent and intentional with my passion.

9. I love paper, I worked at paper store for a few years and I learned so much

10. I'm obsessed with watching makeup and hair tutorials on youtube... And, never apply it. Am I the only one who does this? I hope not but that one of my goals for the year. As soon as Sephora opens up, I'm there

So, what does this all mean? Basically if you love affordable home decor and fashion this is the blog for you. Centered on self love and care, I will be going hard to find awesome dupes and cool ways to decorate your home under a budget. 

But, tell me some things about you. How are you doing?

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