Monday, April 20, 2020

Learning Resources for Kids

We are going through the same thing at the moment. How do we keep our kids busy throughout the day and make sure they are learning something. School in Illinois have been cancelled in-person for the rest of the school year. Which means, we will getting used to this new normal. Chris and I have been navigating through all of the worksheets and websites. 

Dominic started remote learning late week which was nerve wrecking. He has went from being in school from 8:15-3:15 to two hours of virtual learning with his teacher and classmates. Wow. Suddenly I wonder if he is going to be at a disadvantage. It's already hard enough dealing with working and being restricted by what's going on. Now, I am a teacher. And not a very good one but we have pulled together some online resources to help the kids and it seems to be working.

Online Resources

Free online curriculum from preschool to high school. The boys' teachers are connected so they can see the work they are doing.

Has educational learning games from PreK through 6 grade

Great source to help kids practice their math skills

Additional online resources:

Hoping these free resources will help until there is a better solution. We still break it down old school and do flashcards, worksheets, and drawing time to break the day up. How are you making it through?What online resources are you utilizing?

And thank you to the teachers out there, educating our children while still taking care of their own families.


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