Monday, June 12, 2017

Last Supper

I am that girl who eats. I eat when I'm happy, sad, bored, tired, depressed, elated, etc... so, as I try to do better, working out alone isn't leading me to the goals that I am trying to achieve. So, I got some cook books for Mothers Day and I have started to research a healthier eating lifestyle for me and my family.

What will this entail, for me mostly pushing away from the plate. I am going to cut my portion sizes in half, meal prep, and cut down on white. White? what's that? White bread, sugar, pasta, basically anything white. I'm not going to lie, you might find me in a closet binging on cookies and chips but only on the weekends. I'm kidding, okay, maybe half kidding but I am going to give it a try. I have a habit of giving up on things and I'm not going to do that anymore.

I want to be on this earth as long as humanly possible. So, that will require hard work and dedication.  In preparation for this glorious event, I did what anybody else would do. Ate everything I could and had a blast doing it. It wasn't the last supper but going forward I need to be conscious of what goes in my mouth. The difficult part is getting the kids on board, we'll see what happens. If you have any good recipes or snacks, I'm dying to know.

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