Thursday, June 22, 2017

Back to Basics

I remember when I was growing up, I loved to go to the park and the library. During the summer, my mom would take me every week during the summer to pick out new books and movies. Fast forward 30 years and things are so different now. Everything is always bigger is better. I feel like kids don't appreciate the little things anymore because we give them so much.

So, I have decided to pull back a little. This summer there will be swimming lessons (even though they hate to swim), park trips, and library excursions. At first, I didn't think the kids would like it, but limiting the television and tablet has really helped. My eldest just learned how to read, so he read me a bedtime story every night.

They actually enjoy playing with their toys and listening to music. I feel like I would actually make it if the power went out... LOL, the last time,  I had to listen to crying for three hours because there was no internet or cable.

I try to do is make things fun. They are exercising without even knowing it and the added bonus for me is extended nap times, happy babies and growth.

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