Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Welcome 2018: Positive changes everyone can stick to in the New Year

Welcome 2018.

Reflecting back on the past year is a blur. I can't even remember most of the year.

What I do remember is that I completed the small goals that I wanted to. I stayed on my island and minded my own business so I could focus more on things that were important to me. I started this blog, which I am very proud of. I have been wanting to have a blog for years but just let time pass me by.

This year I have no resolutions just goals. To live a positive life and live in the moment.

I do think there are a few things everyone should do improve their year:

1. Positive affirmations and prayer - will help start your day on a positive foot. Pray for the things you can't change and let the powers above worry.

2. Self care - Its important that we take care of ourselves so we can properly function in this thing we call life. I have a habit of pouring everything I have into my family, children, etc. and have nothing left for myself, this would leave me feeling drained and depressed.

3. Reading -  Its always good to take a break from social media and unwind. I used to love to read but haven't read a book in years. So, this year, my goal is to read and have fun doing it.

These are a few things I'm going to be doing this year to better myself. Do you guys have any goals or resolutions you are trying to accomplish?


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