Sunday, January 21, 2018

Car Survival Kit for Toddlers and Kids

I used to be that parent that was always a little unprepared for certain situations. When my little ones were babies they had so much stuff but now they are older, I just carry a few essentials that would help me if I got into an emergency situation.

My kids and I have been through it all. Stranded on the side of the highway with a flat or stuck at a friend's house in freezing temperatures with a baby and a toddler forced to take public transportation home. A mess. And, each time I felt I could have been more prepared. I always want my children to feel safe and not have to worry about anything. So, I put together a little kit to ensure my kids are comfortable:

Car Survival Kit

These things have all come in handy! It might not seem like much but when you are stranded and have no place for food or your child gets a scratch from the play ground, I don't have to panic. I don't have a diaper bag anymore but this bag has saved my life on more than one occasion. What do you keep in your car or bag to help your kids in case of an emergency?


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