Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Home Attire

Do you have leisure clothes that you wear around the house or just to run quick errands. When I was growing up the women in my life always had an at-home uniform. My aunts would wear house dresses and my mom would wear jogging suits. For me, all of my home attire made me look like a homeless person. This isn't the best since a) I have a husband, that I would like him to stay interested in me and b) I have two sons. I am the first woman they see. And, for that reason, I want to be the best woman I can be mind, body, and soul. I want my spirit to shine through and not be dampened by my less than desirable attire.

With that being said, I'm not going to be wearing evening gowns and tiaras but I would like to be effortlessly cute, if that's a thing. So, what does that look like? For me, its maxi dresses and jumpsuits. These are items that I can throw on, but if I need to run errands, I can pair them with cute shoes or a jacket and run out the house.

Now that I have the attire down what to do with my unruly hair and this face. Well, I have been looking at head wraps that are a cute accessory to an outfit. I can wear my hair fully up or let it hang a little. I found the cutest ones at TopKnots and if you have a little girl you can get matching. And, as for my face, I usually wear a tinted moisturizer with a good spf. And viola! A cute at-home look that doesn't take more than five minutes. Manicures and pedicures have been downsized to cut downs and shaping in the car. But hey, my digits are always glistening.

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