Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Catching Up: August touch base

Hola! This has been a blur the past couple months. I haven't been active on my blog because I got stuck. I love been creative and having fun but I have been able to do it the way I want it for the past few months. I have been so tired from work, it was more important for me to be present with my family and concentrate on the day to day. Also, figure out where I am. What I would like to do with this blog and where my creative future lies. 

So, what did I come up with? Pure honesty. I feel like my calling is to promote self care and mental care. Making my blog an extension of my instagram. I have been focusing on my self care, wellness, and fitness journey and learning how it balance each one equally. Meaning taking care of my whole self. To be honest, it a lot more work than I thought. It's funny, when I get one aspect of my life together and try to shift to repairing something else the part I thought I fixed goes to shit. I'm consistently juggling, trying to keep the balls in the air.

Shooting and reels have been difficult to accomplish but I am slowly getting back into it. But, enough with the not so sob story here are some things that I have been using to push through.

1. Switching things up: Skincare, workouts, style. Just trying new things has been keeping me motivated.
2. Reflection: looking back at how far I have come. I know I am in a better place and moving in the right direction.
3.Lightening up: Living in the moment and trying to have fun. Not worrying about other people and what they are doing. Sometimes my body and mind needs to relax
4. Action: Holding myself accountable to myself. If I promise myself something flow through and make it happen.
5. Indulgence: Treating myself often.

That's it and minding my own business. I have gotten so much work done just by doing that. Put a time limit on your phone. It will change your world.

What have you been up to?


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