Wednesday, January 13, 2021

How to Get Healthy When you Hate to Workout

It's that time a year! That time time a year when people start making their resolutions and promises of change. I'm not a resolution person but every year, I find myself promising to get my best body. A body I haven't seen since 25. I usually last about 3-6 months then I fall off. So, consistency and discipline have been my downfall. This year I decided not to make a promise but to switch things up in my current workout to accomplish the goals I have set for myself. So, below are some things I am doing to live a healthier lifestyle.

Who says you have to workout for an hour and a half. I break my workout into 3 or 4 segments. When I get home, I put on my workout gear and unwind. Right before the vegging starts, I do circuit exercises in between watching my television shows.

This can also work for your cardio if you are sheltering in place, taking a break to go for a walk or a bike ride. I just signed up for virtual workouts. I'll complete those when I get home and do circuits, or stretching before I go to bed.

Meeting yourself where you are is the most important thing. Starting off slow and building momentum is a great way to reach and sustain your goals. The most important thing is to just move, whether its for ten minutes or an hour, just move. 

How have you been moving the last couple of  weeks?


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