Sunday, December 20, 2020

Procrastinator's Guide: Getting into the Christmas Spirit

 We are in the home stretch! The holidays are in full swing and I am trying to top last year! Which isn't hard because we didn't get the tree up until the week before, I didn't wrap the gifts, told the kids Santa got too busy. No gingerbread houses, nothing. Last Christmas was rough. Even though the kids don't remember it, I do. This year I put the tree up early, started shopping early but there is still much to do, so here is what my family is doing to spread the Christmas cheer. 

1. Making cookies for "Santa" or just for fun. Im not a master baker so I got cookie mix and jazzed it up with chocolate and sprinkles. Since my Kids still believe is Santa they are making their cookies extra special for him.

2. Christmas Music, I know sounds obvious but we like to have a Christmas music battles with all of the Christmas Classics. Its so fun because the kids dance and learn the music we grew up with and the music our parents grew up with

3. Holiday Movies, I feel like it's my duty to teach my kids all the classics I learned growing up. My favorite is White Christmas and we have a movie marathon every Christmas Eve, so we will watch White Christmas along with Home Alone, Jingle Jangle, and  the Christmas Chronicles.

4. Decorating whether is a month before or the week of is fun. Over the years, I have collected trees, candle house and a whole lot of Christmas decor that I love. I know people do themes each year but that's too much work for me. I do buy three new ornaments a year. There was a time we couldn't afford to decorate like we do now so its fun taking the kids to pick out new ornaments for the tree.

We also have two trees. One that is a little more polished and one in the basement that the kids decorate.

5. Bible stories, this time of year it is important for me to teach the kids the meaning of Christmas. We have a children's Bible that we read stories from every week. And this week we will read a story everyday.

Remember, Christmas is about spending quality time with the fam. I didn't buy a lot this season,. We have spent so much more quality time with the kids, this going to be a holiday to remember. Our tradition has always been to cook an amazing brunch and order Chinese for dinner. Do the things you enjoy. This season can be so depressing and with COVID things have been difficult.

The spirit of Christmas and the holidays are rooted in taking a time to enjoy the moment.

Let me know what you traditions are. How are you spending the holiday season?

Happy Holidays,



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