Sunday, September 15, 2019

Checking In:Pulling it together for the rest of the year.

This year has flown past me. I feel like I have been stuck in a time warp and everything is moving in slow motion. I have finally discovered that I might not be a multi-tasker. I get extremely overwhelmed at the smallest thing. My new approach has been setting accomplishable goals and pouring my heart into one thing at a time so I can commit myself to doing one thing well. 

The first half of the year was focused on buying a new home. We wanted something bigger that our kids could grow into. We have been here three months and are still getting things together. I have just unpacked the last box. We have a ton of decorating to do but the boys rooms are pretty much finished. I always want my kids to feel comfortable so they come first. By the end of the year, we hope to have the sun room, office, and master bedroom complete. So how do I plan on completing the rest of my vision board?

September-December there is still a lot to accomplish. So I have picked four goals that I will be working on the rest of the year:
1. Health
2. Self-care
3. Blog/Business
4. Decorating

I started this challenge by setting a doctor's appointment for December 7th. For the past two months, I have been transitioning into a keto lifestyle. I say lifestyle because once I reach my goal, I want to maintain it and I don't want the weight loss to be short-term. I have been working out and really focusing on my health. I plan on making my health my main certain until its second nature and I don't have to think about, did I drink enough water today, or when was the last time I worked out. With that self-care goes hand and hand. I stopped buying clothes,  hanging out with friends but what I have realized that self-care is more than just a manicure and pedicure. Its stretching and meditation. It's checking in with your mental and physical state to making sure you are okay. And I was not. 

To motivate myself to practice self-care and care about my health. I have given my self small challenges. Since I have to rebuild my wardrobe, if I complete three workouts and stretch/meditate two days a weeks, I will buy myself a new outfit or do something that is needed but also makes me feel good. And after reading a post by SignedBlake about an app called The Pattern. I signed up to see if I could learn more about myself and live my best life.

Since my health is my main concern and I love preaching about self-care. I think its time to turn this blog into health and self-care central. I will be sharing my journey with you and letting you know how everything is going my milestones and my downfalls. 

What are you working on currently?Are you on the road to a healthy lifestyle or are you already there? If you are already healthy, what has worked for you?

My first love, I will be showing all the home progress that we have been doing. It's important that I make our house a home mainly because I hate empty spaces. But, I like to do everything on a budget. So, if you like budget shopping and decorating we will get along well

So, what are your goals for the last four months of the year? How are you working towards them?


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