Monday, June 17, 2019

Testing the Smart Home Waters

Google Hub + Google Home Mini / Ring Doorbell + Ring Floodlight Camera / Nest / Ultraloq

We have been settling into the new house the past couple weeks and this week I am taking the time to streamline the technology in my home. What does that mean? I love finding new ways to secure my home, that will work with our current alarm system. 

I started with the Google Hub, I thought it would be awesome to have a small tablet that would house everything I needed as far as all the security apps that we would have for our home. So, each bedroom has a google assistant which communicates with the Google Hub. Since the boys are getting older they use the assistant to play music, as an alarm clock, and a calendar. 

The hub also houses all of our security apps. I decided to change the locks to something that would work for us in the long run. They are five-point of entry locks. The boys aren't old enough to care keys and I have locked myself out the house a few times rushing so this solves the problem. Its called the Ultaloq. When I was looking at the cost for changing the locks it was more affordable and came with a door handle, which you might not think in important but saves me from having to buy one separately. 

And, lastly we installed the Nest thermastat. We had one in our last home and its awesome with controlling the temperature in the home. It's affordable, and some utility companies give a discount when you purchase smart technology.

What types of Smart updates have you made to your home? I would to hear!

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