Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Road to Self Acceptance

Hello. My name is Jameka and I am a procrastinator. I also like to self-sabatoge.

Now that I got that out the way, I'll turn this in the something more positive and helpful. By realizing these negative attributes about myself, I can try and turn these negative behaviors around. I have goals I am going to achieve and these negative behaviors are an irritation to say the least.

So, how do I stop. For me, I have decided to love. To love myself where I am. By doing this, I am recognizing the importance of time. As far as I know, we only get this one life, so starting the process of loving myself where you are only seems right.

And, when I say love myself that means everything about me. My mind, body and soul are unique to me. The road of self acceptance starts with me.

Stay Positive
Rome was not built in a day. The elements about myself that are negative and destructive took years to build and create. They aren't going to be changed in a day. week. month. year.

This blog has been in the works for the last ten years. I love blogging but haven't mastered consistency. But, I will continue and not give up because this is something I enjoy doing rather I have 1 reader or millions.

At the age of 37, I am still finding me. I have let other peoples opinions and thoughts mold me into something I am not happy with. Inconsistency and self-doubt will always be there but I have been trying to meet it with intent and fearlessness. I don't know the future but I am gathering and researching to create a map to get me where I want to go. Once I have that map no one will alter my journey.

Once I realized how much time was passing and how I only get this one life. I had to take ownership of what I had let happen in my life. For me, I was always a healthy eater. Until I wasn't. I have let my emotions control my diet and most of the time its not healthy. I have taken responsibility for these actions and I am trying to change in my time. I exercise, sometimes but have been eating a lot better. Taking care of me will allow me to take care of my family. Putting yourself first isn't bad because if I am not okay then I can't take care of anyone.

This is a long road I am one, but I am positive. I love my imperfections because they are me.  Do you have any tips for staying positive and on your path?

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